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Want to be an informed investor? See our suggested resources on current market trends and personal finance decision-making.

Changes in the market can be scary or exciting, we help slow down the emotional rollercoaster you may be riding by giving you our objective insights. Each month, Ken our CEO and Michelle our COO breakdown the current financial landscape and discuss how it impacts your investments.

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Dave's Suggested Reading

Dave is one of our investment managers and believes that understanding the science behind what drives the financial decisions we make is key in making smart choices about your future. The book he has always wanted to write, but that someone beat him to it, is called "Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel. A necessary read for all investors.

Purchase Here

Mother's Day: Best Financial Tips For Mothers

Mothers see their lives change over time, just as you may have seen your mother transition from looking after you to taking a job outside of the home, or even running a business. What are some ways you can protect your retirement savings and other financial assets? Women have longer average life expectancies than men and can require significant periods of elder care. With a clear understanding of where she stands financially, a mother may evaluate her investment and wealth management options and take steps toward the next phase of life with some confidence.

Retirement Funding Saving Women

Women & Preparing for Retirement

How can you draw retirement income from what you've saved? How might you create other income streams to complement Social Security? Women have longer average life expectancies than men and may require significant periods of eldercare. As you face retirement, a financial professional who understands your unique goals can help you design an approach that can serve you well for years to come.

Retirement Funding Social Security Women

Women and Financial Strategies

Women who share money management duties with their partner tend to take on a lion’s share of the responsibility for the household finances. Yet only 18% of women feel very confident in their ability to fully retire with a comfortable lifestyle. Women need to keep one eye looking toward retirement since they may live longer and could potentially face higher healthcare expenses than men. We specialize in providing personalized financial guidance that aligns with your unique goals and aspirations.

Insights Saving Women