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Women & Preparing for Retirement

Retirement Funding Social Security Women

When our parents retired, living to 75 amounted to a nice long life, and Social Security was often supplemented by a pension. The Social Security Administration (SSA) estimates that today's average 67-year-old woman will live to age 88. Given these projections, it appears that a retirement of 20 years or longer might be in your future.

Are You Prepared For A 20-Year Retirement?

How about a 30-year or even 40-year retirement? Don't laugh; it could happen. The Society of Actuaries predicts that an average healthy woman that reaches age 65 has a 48% chance of living past 90, and a 26% chance of living to be older than 95.

Start With Good Questions

How can you draw retirement income from what you've saved? How might you create other income streams to complement Social Security? And what are some ways you can protect your retirement savings and other financial assets?

Enlist A Financial Professional

The right person can give you some good ideas, especially one who understands the challenges women face in saving for retirement. These may include income inequality or time out of the workforce due to childcare or eldercare. It could also mean helping you maintain financial equilibrium in the wake of divorce or the death of a spouse.

Invest Strategically

If you are in your fifties, you have less time to make back any big investment losses than you once did. So, protecting what you have may be a priority. At the same time, the possibility of a retirement lasting up to 30 or 40 years will require a good understanding of your risk tolerance and overall goals.

Consider Extended Care Coverage

Women have longer average life expectancies than men and may require significant periods of eldercare. Medicare is no substitute for extended care insurance; it only covers a few weeks of nursing home care, and that may only apply under special circumstances. Extended care coverage can provide financial relief if the need arises.

Claim Social Security Benefits Carefully

If your career and health permit, delaying Social Security can be a wise move. If you wait until full retirement age to claim your benefits, you could receive larger Social Security payments as a result. For every year you wait to claim Social Security past your full retirement age up until age 70, your monthly payments get about 8% larger.

Retire With A Strategy

As you face retirement, a financial professional who understands your unique goals can help you design an approach that can serve you well for years to come.

We can help you, now that you are starting to plan for retirement. Schedule a meeting with us to review your finances and work on a financial plan that is right for you.

Schedule a Meeting With Us!

Michelle Kessel-Harbart & Ken Brown

1. SSA.gov, 2023
2. LongevityIllustrator.org, 2023. Life expectancy estimates assume average health, non-smoker, and a retirement age of 65.
3. Medicare.gov, 2023
4. SSA.gov, 2023

This information has been drawn from sources believed to be reliable. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information, however, the accuracy of this information is not guaranteed. All investing is subject to risk, including possible loss of money you invest. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. The information provided in this commentary is for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation to buy and/or sell. Investors must consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of any investment carefully before investing. Avisen Wealth Management (Member FINRA/SIPC) does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your accountant &/or legal counsel for guidance. Avisen Wealth Management, CA Ins License #0E52062