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Want to be an informed investor? See our suggested resources on current market trends and personal finance decision-making.

Changes in the market can be scary or exciting, we help slow down the emotional rollercoaster you may be riding by giving you our objective insights. Each month, Ken our CEO and Michelle our COO breakdown the current financial landscape and discuss how it impacts your investments.

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Dave's Suggested Reading

Dave is one of our investment managers and believes that understanding the science behind what drives the financial decisions we make is key in making smart choices about your future. The book he has always wanted to write, but that someone beat him to it, is called "Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel. A necessary read for all investors.

Purchase Here

Our Take- The Kryptonite for Investors Is Uncertainty: Can we separate the signal from the noise?

With the election in November came a release of “animal spirits” focused on lower taxes and decreased regulation. Not so fast. If we thought the price of eggs was high last summer, the effects of stagflation would truly shock the senses. This note, however, is not a discussion of the merits or demerits of either policy but, instead, a look at how uncertainty weighs heavily on the financial markets and can, itself, dampen growth.

Michelle & Ken Newsletter

National Savings Month - Pay Yourself First

One of the most basic tenets of sound investing involves the simple habit of “paying yourself first” – in other words, making your first payment of each month a deposit into your savings account. The trick is to prioritize. Make it a point to put your future first. At first, saving may mean a small lifestyle change. But most individuals want to see their net worth increase steadily. For them, finding ways to save becomes more of a long-term commitment than a short-term challenge.


2025 Important Tax Information Guide

Stay ahead of your tax planning with our comprehensive 2025 Important Tax Information guide. We review these items as a service to our clients, providing you with the most up-to-date and relevant information for your financial planning needs. Access our guide to ensure you're well-prepared for the 2025 tax year.

Tax Planning