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Changes in the market can be scary or exciting, we help slow down the emotional rollercoaster you may be riding by giving you our objective insights. Each month, Ken our CEO and Michelle our COO breakdown the current financial landscape and discuss how it impacts your investments.

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Dave's Suggested Reading

Dave is one of our investment managers and believes that understanding the science behind what drives the financial decisions we make is key in making smart choices about your future. The book he has always wanted to write, but that someone beat him to it, is called "Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel. A necessary read for all investors.

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6 Important Financial Strategies for your 20s and 30s

You might be navigating the challenges of paying off student loan debt, establishing yourself in a new career, buying a home, or having a family. Working with a financial professional may help get you out of debt faster, save for important goals, or get a head start on retirement. Take control of your health, negotiate your salary, figure out your financial goals, eliminate your debt, and protect your credit.

Insights Saving

A Decision Not Made Is Still a Decision

One of the worst decisions may be the failure to enroll in a 401(k) plan. Not only do non-participants miss out on one way to save for their retirement, but they also forfeit any potential employer-matching contributions. Whatever your situation, your retirement investments require careful attention and may benefit from deliberate, thoughtful decision-making. Your retired self will be grateful that you invested the time … today.

Retirement Funding Insights Saving

Everything You Need to Know Before You Send your Kid to College

Before you send your kid to college, get a head start on college savings, look into applications for student financial aid (such as FAFSA), have conversations with your children about managing money, then utilize strategies for managing student loan debt. By consulting with us and planning ahead, you can help tackle the financial obstacles of your child's higher education – and smooth the way for them to pursue their dreams!

Insights Saving

How Do I Avoid Identity Theft And Stay Safe On The Internet?

Take a moment to evaluate your current security measures. Do you use two-factor authorization (2FA) whenever possible? What about a password manager? Do your research and put these measures in place. While tech is becoming more secure in response to threats, there are some habits you can adopt to safeguard your digital life. Here are a few best practices to adopt or continue to tighten up your identity security.

Insights Safety